Sunday, October 13, 2024

 Make Humanity Great Again

That's the title of my new blog—clearly borrowed from a slogan in another country's politics.

Honestly, don’t you think we humans could be doing better than we are right now? I believe so. Just imagine if all the resources currently spent on war and empty mass consumption (I’m not a commie, by the way) were redirected toward research—research to cure diseases, prolong life, and, frankly, make life better for most people. Consider the cost of a single bomb. What if that money went into cancer research, organ regeneration, or any other efforts to address what shortens our lives?

That’s what I strive for. Of course, idealists have always had dreams, and most of them failed. But, when you take a step back and look at the big picture, it’s not all doom and gloom. There’s hope that the work we idealists do now will one day have a positive impact.

That’s why I’m opening up and writing about my deepest concerns, instead of posting pictures of cute kittens, offering get-rich-quick schemes, or sharing nudes (certainly not mine) just to gain followers. I’m convinced that we don’t have to be legion to make a difference.

 If You're right, and there is some almighty—or at least incredibly powerful—being somewhere (or everywhere), that could be seen as a bonus. However, if my assumptions about the Grand Plan are correct—that there are no such beings—what happens next? Well, once we're gone, we're gone. And that’s it. Forever. So, why not put our sometimes clever minds together and try to change that? Even failure would be a great achievement!

 There’s a new manifesto emerging from the shadows, presenting the ultimate plan:

To bring all deceased beings back to life.

Sounds insane? Maybe not entirely. Stick with me.

First, think about what mindless evolution has accomplished over billions of years.

Next, consider all of humanity's achievements in just the last few centuries.

And don’t overlook the incredible advances of recent decades.

Now, imagine a civilization rooted in the present, enduring for thousands of years—continuing to evolve without decline (yes, that's challenging; more on that in the book). Or better yet, millions of years. A million-year-old civilization with accumulated scientific knowledge and technological prowess would be far beyond anything we can currently fathom. But they’d still be our descendants. Could they bring us back to life? Would they want to? And how would they do it?

What else will you discover in the book? We explore key concepts, such as preparing for existential risks to ensure humanity survives long enough to make this plan a reality. We also delve into strategies for long-term progress, reflections on flawed models of reality, and much more.

The practical aspects of the plan are discussed—a hybrid of concepts that are theoretically possible, though far beyond our present capabilities.

In the final chapters, we shift focus to action: building grassroots movements, harnessing AI solutions, and taking concrete steps to bring this vision to life.

I invite you to invest some time in reading and reflecting on this. And please share this teaser with friends and others who might be intrigued.

Visit the webpage:

The book is available at: Apple Books, Casa del Libro, Rakuten, Smashwords.

For more info, please visit the website (work in progress, but expressive!):

 Bring the Dead Back (


Magnus Nilsson

Author, Educator, Visionary

  Make Humanity Great Again That's the title of my new blog—clearly borrowed from a slogan in another country's politics. Honestly, ...